ClimateFast ClimateVoting Records Toronto


To track and show how climate-related items are being voted on within Toronto City Council.


To increase transparency on how councillors and the mayor are voting on climate-related items so that local constituents and climate groups can hold City Council more accountable for meeting the climate targets outlined in the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy.


The climate-related items shown on this website are items voted on by City Council that help address the climate crisis and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. As a guide, we referenced the TransformTO Strategy to identify the scope of items. This includes items that support green electrification, transit infrastructure, bike lanes, flooding prevention, social policies, and more. Some policies that have a positive impact on the environment and align with the City's net zero goals may not currently be on the website. The scope of social policies may also be limited despite its interconnection to the climate crisis. As the website evolves, we plan to expand the definition of climate-related items to align more fully with the City’s Resiliency Strategy and include policies that lower consumption-based emissions.


This website uses data from Toronto Open Data by the City of Toronto to track the voting results of councillors and the mayor. The data is available in Excel form and documents how councillors voted on climate-related items (i.e. policies) presented in City Council. A councillor can either vote in support (vote “Yes”), not support (vote “No”), or be absent for an item. In some cases, "Absent" can also indicate that a member chose not to participate in a vote because they declared an interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act. We do not show the results of all items that are in the dataset. A team at ClimateFast rigorously evaluates and sorts all the items in the dataset to see which ones are “climate-related”. We begin by doing a key terms search based on a list of selected terms and scan the item titles that contain the key terms. After that, we then research and analyze the item to see whether the item helps reduce GHG emissions and align with the goals set out in TransformTO. To research the item, we go to Toronto Meeting Management Information System (TMMIS) to get a better understanding on the item.

Disclaimers and Limitations

What to learn more?

Please check out the public resource folder to see details on how this project came about. This public folder also acts as a toolkit to help those working on a similar project and shares lessons learned. As stated by adrienne maree brown: “Write up these learnings and share them widely…”